Tim Scarisbrick
After living in five countriesand travelling through another 40, Tim and his wife, Mandy, finally returned home to show the world the beauty of their own back yard.
Born in Tasmania and growing up in Kangaroo Valley near Sydney, Tim had a passion for Australia’s unique countryside and was always looking forward to discovering the world. His adventures started wandering around his local mountains as a teenager. Tim jokes he was the only kid geeky enough to put pictures of Machu Picchu on his school books.
After high school he borrowed $400 from his sister starting three years of backpacking adventures. Back home Tim started a science degree in ‘Environmental Tourism’ at University of Queensland – and ended with a degree qualified to be a park ranger. Some how he became an Australian Customs Officer and thoroughly enjoyed four years in this role. After accepting an offer from a crazy Kiwi mate, he spent the following 4 years managing an English language school in Germany while teaching business English.
He spends much of his spare time doting on his and Mandy’s three young kids, playing touch footy, watching the red-necked wallabies in his backyard and planning the family’s next adventure.
Tim’s favourite place’s in Queensland: Double Island Point near Rainbow Beach and Twin Falls in Springbrook National Park.
Tim’s favourite place’s outside Queensland: Marrakech in Morocco and Wine Glass Bay in Tasmania.